Futa prision 1.9.2.D Available windows

ninjaheadgames.com/patreon/  — DOWNLOAD

ninjaheadgames.com/gameplay    GAMEPLAY

I’M HAVING PROBLEMS uploading it to the web so or while it’s hosted on google drive link on the site


Added events

6.5 floor added

Event: knowing the Golden Guard

Event: Golden Guard and Knight

Event: Caballetra Presentation


Table the Great Game

Event: Presentation

Event: Discussion

Event: contestants

Event: first half

Event: second time

Event: Esther Fourth

Event: Cuanrto de Hilda

Event: Capitana Fourth


You need to add several things yet, the prical door is to open

The battle of the caballa in the future.

Working with a lot of characters is difficult but was achieved.

next version 1.2.9 E