Futa prision 1.2.8 B Windows available

Download links: ninjaheadgames.com/patreon/

I also uploaded it in the general chat and discord.


Added events:

Beatrice 2 battle


Good end

Bad end (permanent onahole) just lose once to unlock it

wow 56 animations in this battle a new record

I didn’t make this battle that difficult xd, so you can defeat her easily, when Beatrice uses her darkness use lightning magic.


– Gallery updated to version 1.2.8 beatrice battle1

– Added Beatrice, catrina, Arlequin and Erica to the animation room.

(to unlock them you will have to win their battles or open the chest on floor 6)


Fixed the bug in catrina’s room that teleported you and you couldn’t move.


Final battle against Beatrice in Version 1.2.8 C. (I want to release it next week, hopefully I can)

This week the voting for the next guardian will begin.

good weekend